Monday, April 25, 2011

Eavesdropping One Liner's

Have you ever just walked around with a notebook writing down one liner's that you overhear? I did as part of an assignment last semester in Screenwriting, a process that is supposed to help stoke the creative writing juices. I completely forgot about it until I found the notebook stashed between the seats in my car. For your reading pleasure, a good laugh and all you writers out there, I present to you 22 one liner's I heard out in public.

When I had that Goddamn operation.
Don't mean to give you the tour, but I thought the other was open.
I got that big one, it's beautiful.
Oh, durn.
I just wanna get a little high.
There you are mother.
He sees color depending on tone.
They're all broken, every one.
The longer you stay in, the more you get drafted.
Who know's whatever the f**k's going on.
It's that much more intriguing.
I gotta make sure the job gets done.
I'm not going to do that, F**k you.
I thought, what kind of a day are YOU having?
Next day, purse is gone.
He hasn't done a f**king thing and it's his job.
It started at the middle of the finger.
Mama, what's that lady doing?
Two glasses wearing librarian singers - Nice!
The medicine keeps me up at night.
I suppose I'll have to start over.
I know Edgar comes first.

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